Stay Sharp and Safe: 5 Court Smarts for Pickleball Players!

Staying safe and sharp on the pickleball court means being aware of your playing area and its obstacles. Here are some fun and essential tips:

  1. Clear the Court: Before the game, do a quick sweep to clear any stray balls or personal items that could trip you up. A clutter-free court keeps the game smooth and free of unnecessary interruptions.
  2. Beware of Loose Balls: Keep an eye out for loose balls—they can be sneaky hazards! Slipping on one can lead to a nasty fall, so make sure to clear any stray balls right away.
  3. Watch the Net: And watch out for the net and net posts. They might seem harmless, but running into them can be painful. Stay alert to avoid these fixed obstacles.
  4. No Backpedaling: Remember, no backpedaling! It’s a recipe for disaster. Instead, turn and run forward to reach those high shots or tricky drop shots.
  5. Communicate with Your Partner: Don’t forget to chat with your partner. Clear, fun communication keeps confusion at bay and makes sure you both know who’s got what. This way, you avoid collisions and keep the game flowing smoothly and safely.